Local Food Banks

If you want to make a difference in this world, you don't necessarily have to apply to join a foreign worker program rebuilding schools in Malawi or start a multinational charity to collect shoes for poor workers in Columbia. Every little thing you can do helps, and it starts with charitable giving right here in your hometown. Local food banks are especially in need of your help in these days of recession as more and more people find themselves down on their luck. So before you drop your job and go rushing off to foreign locales, stop and consider what you could do to help your local food bank.

What do local food banks do?

Local food banks help out people who cannot afford to feed themselves. By collecting and distributing food, people who might otherwise have starved on the street outside, can be saved. Some food banks just collect food and money and hand out non-perishables to needy people who apply, while others go one step further by preparing and serving meals to people who are hungry. Many food banks also run a "meals on wheels" type program that actively distributes hot cooked food to people who can't leave their houses.

Who uses local food banks?

You might be surprised. Most people think that it's only homeless people who are destitute and living in a cardboard box that use food banks. However, the truth is that anyone can experience a time when they don't have enough money to pay for food, whether they own their own home or run a small business. An unexpected emergency such as expensive car repairs or an accident can put some families who are normally able to feed themselves over budget and force them to turn to the food bank. Students who are struggling with debt and expensive tuition often resort to food bank handouts if they run out of money for living expenses near the end of the year. It could be someone you know.

How can I help my local food bank?

Most donations to the local food bank are made in the form of non-perishable food items. Anything you would find in the cupboards of your home falls under this category, including cereal, canned goods, powdered milk, noodles, rice, peanut butter, sugar, flour, packaged cookies and granola bars. Basically anything that is properly packaged and won't go bad without refrigeration. Some things that are also needed at food banks, but rarely thought of by people who donate, are baby formula, baby food, and pet food, as families in need often have babies or pets to think of as well. Of course, it goes without saying that food banks can also use monetary donations.

How do I donate?

Find your local food bank's address in the phone book or online and bring your food or money to them personally. Alternatively, if you have a large donation or have organized a food drive at your club or workplace, many food banks will send a truck to pick up the collected donations if you call and inform them it is there. Remember, kindness is always appreciated.

This page is brought to you by the kind people at SHLaw Office. They ask you to kindly remember to support your local food bank!

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024